What is the Parelli Levels Program?
The Parelli Levels Program is a horsemanship training system developed by Pat Parelli, the founder of Parelli Natural Horsemanship. The Program consists of Four Levels, and is designed to help horse owners develop a strong bond and communicate effectively with their horse through at-home learning. Your cumulative skills and knowledge will increase level by level as you learn additional Parelli Savvys: our four areas of learning, both on the ground and in the saddle. Join thousands of successful students who are achieving excellence, riding with confidence and enjoying their life with horses.

This learn-at-home program is housed inside of The Parelli Network: our online community. What's most powerful about our Network is that not only can you gain access to the proven Parelli Levels Program, but you also can take the iOS and Android app to the barn for easy on-the-go studying, share your successes with other Parelli students, connect with Parelli Professionals around the world, and lean on fellow community members when facing challenges with your horsemanship.
Progressively develop into a well-rounded horseman.
Level 1 teaches all of the essential Parelli groundwork tasks and techniques and is the first step in developing the habits and skills you need to become a true horseman.
Once you've completed Level One, you will continue your development into a well-rounded horseman by following the Parelli Program into Level 2, Level 3, and finally Level 4. Each Level builds by adding additional Savvys (ways we play with our horses on the ground and riding) while also expanding on the skills you've previously learned by increasing their speed and complexity and improving your level of communication and strength of bond.
Once you reach Level 4, you will have built a solid foundation both on the ground and riding that leads to the highest level of refinement, precision, and competition. Our Level 4 graduates are on their way to true mastery with horses.

You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
You will learn how to:
"The Seven games are phenomenal when beginning and continuing a conversation with your horse. Had it not been for finding Parelli Natural Horse-Man-ship after searching other programs, I would not have been fortunate to have had a few of the most amazing animals in my life that I was blessed with. I have grown to be a better individual because of this program besides being able to help my horses and others find a better way. Thank you Pat and some really good Parelli professionals."
- Anna Looper England
All 4 Levels - Save 10%!
$1,129.96 - $999.99
Where respect, impulsion, rapport, and flexion meet. The objective of Level 4 On Line + Freestyle + Liberty + Finesse is learning to refine your communication techniques and cues. Click the link below to purchase the entire Parelli Levels Program at a discounted rate.
Advanced skills for refinement and precision in all 4 Savvys: the fundamentals of performance.
Level 4
Level Four is where it all comes together for you and your horse. By this level, you have already laid a strong foundation and built a substantial skill set in all four Savvys, both on the ground and while riding. Now, you will be taking your bonding and your communication to an even higher degree of refinement as you set the stage for performance in any discipline and for experiencing the ultimate partnership with your horse. You will learn how to confidently and creatively play all Seven Games at greater distances and higher speeds—And how to ride with a level of elegance, precision, and connection that is truly inspiring.
This is the culmination of the Parelli Level's Pathway.

You will learn how to:

"I try to soak in every word they say and remember it when I’m with my horse. This set is so informative. I love it!"
Essential skills for excellent communication and balanced impulsion on the ground and riding.
Level 3
In Level Three, you will learn to be excellent with horses. On the ground, you will build your communication at longer distances so that your horse trusts and understands you both On Line and at Liberty. Under saddle, you will learn additional bonding and yielding exercises as well as patterns to gain balanced impulsion, also known as emotional collection. This is a masterful skill for both you and your horse that leads to true unity while riding. You will also be introduced to the final Parelli Savvy—Finesse. Riding with connection and precision starts here.

You will learn how to:

"These [Level Three] videos are wonderful. I have trouble knowing what to do... This lack of clarity isn't helpful for my poor horse trying to understand what I want. These videos help me to be clearer. My horse thanks you!"
Essential skills for confidence, fun, rapport and respect on the ground and riding.
Level 2
Level Two takes the partnership with your horse to a whole new level. By completing Level One, you will have already built a foundation of habits and skills to keep you safe with your horse on the ground. Now, those skills will be taken to an even higher level by adding more obstacles and new patterns On Line. You will learn how to play at Liberty—without a halter or training line—while still maintaining connection and communication with your horse. All of these skills will come together to set you up for success while riding. In Level Two, you will apply all Seven Games under saddle which will teach your horse to understand you, trust you, and follow your leadership like never before!

You will learn how to:

"As always, [Level Two] was excellent, clear, and fun instruction. Wonderful ideas for helping me understand better how to be a good teacher for my horse."
Essential skills for safety, confidence and fun on the ground.
It all starts with Level 1
Learning how horses think and knowing how to communicate with them through the language of the revolutionary Parelli Seven Games is where everything starts. In this program, you will learn how to bond with your horse—teaching your horse to trust and respect you—so that you stay safe and have fun on the ground. You will study how horses feel, think, act and play naturally so you can be the best leader for your horse. This Level will teach you the necessary partnership skills to build a strong foundation for all your future horsemanship goals.

You will learn how to:

"I've truly enjoyed [Level One]. I thought I had an unhappy horse. What I had was a nervous little mare who needed direction and leadership. In just a few short weeks, Val (my mare) and I have been able to find a great balance in our relationship and we're both much happier for it. I wish there was a 10-star rating available for this program. Thank you!"
Join the Parelli community and get free access to Discover Parelli.
Try our FREE Discover Parelli Level - your introduction to the Parelli Natural Horsemanship Levels Program.
In Discover Parelli, you will find 8 FREE lessons to try with your horse that give you a taste of what the Parelli Levels Program is all about, both on the ground and riding.
You'll also gain access to our very own community driven social network filled with like-minded horse lovers, just like you.
Click the link below to gain instant access.