Level 3 FreeStyle

Skills & Impulsion

Skills & Impulsion

FreeStyle Level 3 is all about impulsion, also known as emotional collection.

The main objective of Level 3 is developing a horse that consistently has its emotions under control, while you continue to develop your own skills and knowledge.

Your repertoire of tools and patterns will expand, as will your confidence as a rider.


Must have tools for your success in Level 3 FreeStyle

The Snaffle Bridles are a valuable tool for more sensitive and precise communication with your horse, and are designed to be easy to adjust, to provide long-lasting use, and to be comfortable for your horse.

The Parelli Cradle Bridle disperses pressure over five major points: tongue, bars, nose, chin and poll, which leads to a less defensive horse and more relaxed and open communication. The more points that are activated on the horse's head and mouth area, the less pressure it puts on every point

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Get the support you need as you progress through the program



Parelli students look for Parelli Instructors they can trust, who they know are close to Pat and Linda, and are passing on the purest information from the Parelli Program. Not only are Parelli Professionals good with horses, but they are also great with people. Learning is not easy, and we believe it is really important to inspire confidence in the student. When you feel supported and encouraged, you learn more easily and stay motivated.

Most students take lessons, workshops, and clinics to support and accelerate what they learn in the Parelli Levels Program curriculum as a member of the Savvy Club.




Whether you are looking for a solution to a problem you’re experiencing, or you need inspiration, or you simply want to do some extra research, you’ll find thousands of videos and articles right here that include over 35 years of teaching from Pat and Linda, plus new content added weekly to help keep you up-to-date and inspired.

You'll also connect with a community of like-minded horsemen and build friendships with members who share a passion for never-ending self-improvement, to stay inspired and motivated while learning the program.