Bridge to Western Versatility with Pat Parelli

Many western-trained horses become robotic, lose their enthusiasm for cow-working, and start swishing their tails from too much spur. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls and bring the enthusiasm back. Reining skills are important and cow-working should be fun!
Florida Mar 17-27 • Colorado Aug 12-22
Moving cattle, sorting, separating, penning… real ranch work on horseback is an art, originating in Spain and carried forward in the iconic vaquero tradition.
The western sports of cutting, sorting, reining, reined cow horse and ranch horse versatility all share these same roots, but the love of winning has often put a lot of negative pressure on both horses and riders.
Things get fast and rough and good horsemanship goes out the window, but Pat will show you how to turn slow and right into fast and right! This is not just about learning the skills it’s also about fun and putting the principles of good horsemanship first. “I see the other horses getting worse but Pat, your horses just keep getting better – show after show.” Cutting Horse Trainer’s name withheld by request.
10-day course topics:
• Versatility in western and ranch riding
• Building the bridge from FreeStyle to Western Riding
• How to prepare on the ground
• Square turns, rollbacks, stops
• Gathering, herding, sorting, cutting, holding
• Style & presentation
• Equipment, Bridle Wisdom
• Calming a tense horse
• Improving responsiveness
• How to practice
• Common problems to overcome
• Anatomy of a training session
• Basic reining patterns
• Rail work
• Precision riding
• Preparing for a show
• Dealing with nerves
• Keys to a successful show! (Simulated competition)
Prerequisites: Level 2+ skills for horse and rider (official or unofficial). The course will accommodate riders both experienced or new to the sport.
“For as long as I can remember, I’ve used cows to train my horses, dogs and my students! There’s something profound that happens to you… it makes you more natural and effective when you have a purpose, and it’s more meaningful for the horse.” – Pat Parelli