Continue the journey in the saddle
The objective of Level 2 On Line + Freestyle is staying progressive with your horse and winning the Seven Games—both On Line and in the saddle. In addition, you will learn:
- How to incorporate more obstacles and tools in your training while aiming to get better responses using lighter pressure.
- The preparation needed for Liberty—The ultimate test of connection.
- How to be confident in the saddle.
- Have fun!
In Level Two, we introduce the 22ft Training Rope (graduating from the 12 ft.Training Rope used in Level One) which improves the connection to your horse at greater distances. You will, also, learn Freestyle riding which is an essential component to a well-rounded horsemanship education.
The Parelli Natural Hackamore
is widely used for young horses and relaxed riding (Freestyle or on the trail). Made from the same, supple rope as the Parelli Halters, this product is perfect for teaching horses to be soft and confident when riding, starting, or re-starting horses—especially ones that are sensitive to (or afraid of) the bit.
The 22 ft Training Rope improves the connection to your horse On Line at greater distances.

Need more support at home?
Have you ever played with your horse, faced a challenge, then quickly searched for a video online to get help? Only to find that there are so many videos to sift through, all with different approaches, and no proven tactics. Designed to support the proven Parelli Levels Program, the Savvy Club was developed for you with that in mind. With over 8,000+ hours worth of content in the Vault, you can easily search for topic-specific videos, tips, articles, and so much more. Additionally, you will be able to develop relationships with like-minded horse lovers from all over the world, attend webinars, ask questions, and get answers. Browsing on your desktop, iOS, or Android devices makes learning easy—Whether at home or at the barn.

Need additional hands-on support?
If you are a Parelli student (or interested in the Parelli Program) that is looking for someone you can trust who has deep knowledge of the Parelli Program and refined teaching skills, you are in the right place. Not only are Parelli Professionals good with horses, but they are also great with people. Learning is not easy, and we believe it is imperative to inspire confidence in you as a student and empower you to become the best horseman you can be. When you feel supported and encouraged, you feel motivated and learn best. Above all, our Instructors maintain the spirit of Parelli and are committed, as a team, to help us on our mission to make the world a better place for horses and the humans that love them.