The Horse Tamer Series: Episode 3 – Chester & Kasper
vid Parelli Management på Nov 27, 2024

Just released!! Pat Parelli brings his expertise to an even broader audience with the launch of The Horse Tamer, a series now streaming on multiple platforms, click here to choose your streamer of choice!
“If we really want a horse to give us everything he’s got – to optimize – we’ve got to get his heart, then his head, then his emotions, then his body.” Pat Parelli
A proven philosophy. A world class competitor. And a high spirited, challenging horse. Combine them all to create an all-time classic episode on The Horse Tamer Series with Pat Parelli.
In September of 2024, Pat Parelli released his expertise to an even broader audience with the launch of The Horse Tamer, a series now streaming on Tubi, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV+. In this captivating 8-episode season, Parelli works one-on-one with horse owners facing significant behavioral challenges, offering insights and techniques that highlight his four-decade commitment to building love, language, and leadership between horse and rider.
Each episode in The Horse Tamer introduces a unique partnership in need of Pat’s guidance. Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing you to our cast and crew, the special horses, owners and trainers who make up the beloved characters in this one-of-a-king equestrian series.
Episode 3 features Chester Weber, a well-known name in the carriage driving world. A four-in-hand driver, Chester holds the distinction of being the most decorated driver in the entire United States. But one of the current horses on his team, Kasper, is strong willed and impatient, which is disrupting the harmony and communication throughout the entire team.
Chester’s words upon entering the round corral sum it up well, “Who’s leading who?” As Pat diagnoses almost immediately, tension and energy create chaos. To overcome this common challenge with any type of horse, from high end competitor to backyard friend, we start by building a strong understanding of the concept of long body logic. Pat’s brilliance shines through best as he helps humans, no matter their background or skill level, recognize and change their pedestrian patterns, such as holding their horses close to the halter. Pat then proceeds to a long range, long-body-logic game where he uses a 12’ telescoping herding stick to push (yield away from pressure) and move Kasper's body while also influencing his direction and speed.
The next brilliant horse training nugget comes when Pat takes over playing with Kasper and he shares that he’s going to try not to ever say no. Say what?! How do you affect horse behavior without ever saying no? Rather than saying “no,” you set boundaries and hold the horse accountable for his own choices. This is counterintuitive for many humans, but makes great horse sense.
Learning to be a true horse-man is more than just loving horses; it’s a learning journey to understand their nature and how they feel, think, act and play. Did you know horses have a rectangular iris? And a fish eye lens? These physiological insights add additional depth and scope to how we view the horse and his behavior which then allows us to alter our approach and training. This is natural horse-man-ship – considering the horse’s innate nature first and adjusting our approach accordingly.
As the episode progresses, we see Kasper allowing Pat and Chester to influence his forward movement and teach him to decelerate and synchronize. This is why playing games with our horses rather than just lunging is so important. According to Pat, lunging in the act of micromanaging a horse in a circle. The Parelli Program, on the other hand, is all about empowerment. Empowering the human to think like a horse-man and empowering the horse to act like a partner by using the thinking side of his brain. Remember, tension and energy create chaos, but relaxation and energy create power.
Throughout this episode, synchronicity is key. As Pat says, no horse was ever born with a halter on, not one. Every horse’s mother teaches him to synchronize from the moment he’s born. In fact, his survival depends on it. Transferring that willingness to synchronize with a human, a predator, takes consistent communication and a relationship based on trust. “If I walk, you walk. If I stop, you stop.” When you play like this, the horse has to pay attention and learn to read and rate the situation which pays dividends in the long run. Once the horse understands how to synchronize and follow the human’s lead, moving forward and decelerating with ease when asked, the possibilities are endless both in the competition ring and in everyday partnerships. Kasper and Chester are living proof of this. From chaos to communication and tension to trust, watch and see the harmony between horse and human reappear in Episode 3 of The Horse Tamer Series.
So share with your family and friends, whether they are horse owners, horse lovers or just looking for a good TV program. This is clean, kid and animal friendly, edu-tainment at its finest. Gather your two legged and four legged family close and settle in for some great Horse TV, now streaming live for free on Tubi and and also available on Amazon Prime and Apple TV+!