The Horse Tamer Series: Episode 1 - Dallas & Luna
vid Parelli Management på Nov 13, 2024

Just released!! Pat Parelli brings his expertise to an even broader audience with the launch of The Horse Tamer, a series now streaming on multiple platforms, click here to choose your streamer of choice!
In this captivating 8-episode season, Parelli works one-on-one with horse owners facing significant behavioral challenges, offering insights and techniques that highlight his four-decade commitment to building love, language, and leadership between horse and rider.
Each episode in The Horse Tamer introduces a unique partnership in need of Pat guidance. Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing you to our cast and crew, the special horses, owners and trainers who make up the beloved characters in this one-of-a-king equestrian series.
In Episode One we meet Dallas and her horse, Luna. Luna’s fear of veterinarians and vaccines has grown out of control. Although raised by Dallas from a young age, her negative behavior has turned quite dangerous causing Dallas to reach out to Parelli for help.
In each episode Pat approaches the horse and his or her unique challenge in his one-of-a-kind way. He is first and foremost a horse behaviorist and a lateral thinker, looking beyond the surface to what is going on deeper with the horse. To understand lateral thinking, let’s first imagine an example of direct line thinking: you encounter a horse who panics, reacts and fights through the pressure of being held still for vaccines with a vet and you try to simulate and fix that exact behavior. Instead, Pat sees a horse overcome by her innate, instinctually claustrophobic response.
So what does he do? He thinks “outside the barn,” and addresses the claustrophobic behavior by presenting Luna with another very common claustrophobic trigger in the horse world – the horse trailer. But before even arriving at the horse trailer, Pat opens his big bag of tools and techniques, introducing tasks that build Luna’s ability to think through pressure, rather than allowing her to revert to her innate, reactive behavior.
Less than 5 minutes into the episode, Pat has already introduced us to concepts such as Horsenality, rhythmic pressure, steady pressure, and the importance of moving backward and yielding the hindquarters, all foundational horse training techniques that can now be seen and valued by countless horse lovers around the globe. The presentation is captivating and interesting while also being just plain old good horsemanship.
Pat teaches us how to make it a game with horses - even problem horses - using communication, understanding and psychology. Guiding principles, like never do something TO a horse but WITH a horse and FOR a horse pave the way for lateral thinking and puzzle solving, allowing Pat to stay cool, calm and collected even when finding the “leak in the boat.” He identifies Luna’s first leak, her habit of running through pressure while playing the sideways game, which is the very opposite of lateral thinking!
After helping Luna sort through how to unlock her feet and think sideways, Pat zeros in on the heart of the matter and addresses trailer loading. This is where things get even more exciting as Luna pulls out her tricks and reverts to opposition reflex to brace against Pat’s requests. But polite and passive persistence in the proper position with the perfect pressure wins out in the end, and relief comes when Dallas brings her emotions back under control.
To top it all off, Pat then coaches Dallas on how to apply pressure appropriately and what she can do to turn this diagnosis into a prescription for real, lasting change.
So share with your family and friends, whether they are horse owners, horse lovers or just looking for a good TV program. This is clean, kid and animal friendly, edu-tainment at its finest. Gather your two legged and four legged family close and settle in for some great Horse TV, now streaming live for free on Tubi and and also available on Amazon Prime and Apple TV+!